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Trust Response on Youth Football

June 4, 2017

youth footballTHE Sonstrust has responded to an announcement from the Club Board about withdrawal from Academy Football, stressing the need for ongoing commitment to youth football in the area in new ways moving forward. 

“The Sonstrust is extremely saddened and disappointed that Dumbarton FC will not be able to participate in competitive youth football within Club Academy Scotland next season (2017/18), and the distress this has caused all involved.

“We understand the financial and other reasons for this regrettable decision, and the need to act swiftly to give the boys and parents involved the best chance of finding an alternative club before the end of June.

“We are especially sorry to see the closure of the Youth Development Initiative in its current form, because the Sonstrust played a major role in getting it launched in the first place.

“Our commitment to working with the club to find another way to support youth community football in the Dumbarton area remains strong. We are pleased that the club has made the same commitment in its own statement.

“We note that this decision has been levered by decreasing grant funding coming from the Scottish Football Association (SFA) and ongoing uncertainty surrounding Project Brave — the plan to focus the nation’s youth development resources on a small number of elite clubs. This raises huge questions for the future of the game.

“Our massive thanks go to Tony McNally and to all who have invested time and effort in YDI over the years.

This is not the end of the story regarding Dumbarton FC and youth football. We want to see a new chapter as soon as that can be achieved. We will do all we can to make that happen.”

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