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More Euro-Sons!

October 27, 2014

photo 4WE have our (now very well organised) Swiss Supporters Club. Alessandro Ginola and three Italian friends joined us for the second time at the beginning of the month. And now the Germans are coming!

Karl Hesse and Kai Funkschmidt (pictured) came to support the Sons at Tynecastle against Hearts the week before last, and had a great time chatting to Sons fans before, during and after the game.

Kai is an old friend and former colleague of mine, and also a member of the Sonstrust. He worked in Scotland for several years and speaks better English than me! His own team is St Pauli, who play in Bundesliga 2. His friend Karl joined Kai for a holiday climbing expedition (Karl follows Borussia Mönchengladbach in the top league) and they both decided that they didn’t want to miss out on the Sons while passing through Edinburgh!

Both of them enjoyed talking to club historian Jim McAllister, programme editor Graeme Robertson, and several other Dumbarton fans who have a solid acquaintance with German football.

Hopefully I’ll get them along to the Rock in the not-too-distant future… and we’ll win!

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